Group 37 Meeting

Sunday, February 18, 2024 | 2:00pm CST


First Congregational Church 
500 SE 8th Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55414


Meeting ID: 848 9887 2899
Passcode: 680930
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Meeting Notes and Agenda

Google Doc - Group 37 Meeting Agenda - February 2024

Regular Meeting 2-3pm CDT


Letter Writing Action

Letter action for Palestinian Journalists


Write For Rights, Thailand - Drop Charges Against Peaceful Child Protestors, AGM and Local Group Caucus.


Ceasefire - AI USA Online Action

Global Ceasefire  Petition




Death Penalty

Iran Protesters Action

Alabana - Kenny Smith

AI USA Action

Sign petition from Death Penalty Action



Guest Speaker - 3-4pm CDT

Speaker - Oscar Hendrix 

Honduras - Building National Sovereignty and  Democratic Governance

Oscar Hendrix is a human rights and anti-corruption activist. He has been part of and collaborated with different social organizations that have been part of the popular movement in Honduras during the last 15 years. In the last years he has been working in local public policies in the municipalities of Santa Cruz de Yojoa and San Pedro Sula. During 2022 he was Legal Advisor for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in the northwestern part of Honduras, specially supporting the unit in that must deal with flood control in one of the region’s most vulnerable to climate change in Latin America.

Since the creation of the ZEDES law and their projects he has been strong activist against them.

Oscar Hendrix | Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs (

Oscar Hendrix is a Legal Advisor for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in the northwestern part of Honduras, one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change. A human rights activist and lawyer, he has served as Legal Advisor of the Municipality of San Pedro Sula in Honduras, where he focused on sports management policies. He also served as an advisor on public policy and human rights for the Municipality of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, and as a consultant to nongovernmental organizations focused on women’s rights, youth rights and democracy. Oscar is committed to improving local government administration by promoting transparency and open government, and combating corruption. He aims to expand his knowledge of territorial planning, citizen participation, decentralization, and emergency management related to natural disasters and climate change. Through the Humphrey Fellowship, Oscar aims to better understand US policymaking, institutional response to emergencies, and municipal governance best practices.