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Free Virtual Panel Discussion // Tuesday, March 15 at 6:00 p.m.
Join us for a virtual discussion about the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) epidemic in anticipation of the national broadcast of Bring Her Home - a new feature documentary from Twin Cities PBS directed by Leya Hale (Dakota/Diné) and produced by Sergio Rapu (Rapanui).
Sign up for the virtual discussion and a free preview of the film.
The United States is facing a human rights crisis known as the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women epidemic. Out of the 5,712 Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women counted in 2016, only 116 were logged in a Department of Justice database.
Bring Her Home follows three Indigenous women — an artist, an activist and a politician — as they work to vindicate and honor their relatives who are victims in the growing epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. As they face the lasting effects of historical trauma, each woman searches for healing while navigating the oppressive systems that brought about this very crisis. Watch Trailer.
Panelists will include film protagonists: Angela Two Stars, Mysti Babineau, and Representative Ruth Buffalo (ND), accompanied by Senator Mary Kunesh (MN).
The panel will be moderated by Marisa Miakonda Cummings, President and CEO of the Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center.