Event Location
Nicollet Ave South - from E 31st ST to E 46th ST
Our Table Location
We'll be at 3409 Nicollet Ave S - E 34th ST and Nicollet Ave, right in front of Irene's Tax Service.

Walk, bike, and roll down Nicollet Avenue on Saturday, September 28 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. From 31st to 46th Street, it’s a two-mile celebration of our main street, with pop-up activities, live music, and fresh food and drink…all happening in your favorite community! #NicolletOpenStreets2024
What's Involved
We will provide everything for tabling: tables and chairs, sun tent, clipboards, pens, buttons and pins.
Please wear Amnesty gear if you have any, or wear pride colors.
We also have Business Cards printed with our group's meeting information, and we'll have a local group interest form.
Never Tabled Before?
This will be a great opportunity to learn a new skill and have fun doing it. All you need is a friendly attitude and an appetite for human rights.
Tabling Signup
We will be covering our table from 11am to 5pm on Saturday. Even an hour really helps us, and afterward you can enjoy Open Streets!
Reach out if you have any questions! Contact Us.
Use the form below to sign up!