Group 37 Meeting

Sunday, March 19, 2023 | 2:00pm CDT

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Meeting Notes and Agenda

Google Doc - Group 37 Meeting Agenda

Regular Meeting 2-3pm CDT

2:00 Introductions - Letter Writing action - be ready to write!

2:10 News/Events

2:20 MMIW

2:30 Death Penalty

2:40 Philippines & Honduras

2:45 Lobbying

Guest Speaker - 3-4pm CDT

Coleen Rowley  - Psychopathy and Propaganda: the Psychology 101 that everyone needs to know

Coleen Rowley is a retired FBI agent and former Minneapolis Division legal counsel who became a whistle blower and testified in 2002 to the 9-11 Joint Intelligence Committees' Inquiry, to the Senate Judiciary Committee and to the Inspector General of the Department of Justice about the FBI's pre 9-11 failures.  Her information directly led to a 2 year long IG investigation and also helped initiate the 9-11 Commission, both of which vindicated her claims that 9-11 could have been prevented if information had been shared inside and among intelligence agencies and with the public.  Her later concerns that the Bush Administration's launching of war on Iraq was terribly wrong and would prove counterproductive made the front page of the NY Times 20 years ago, on March 6, 2003, one of the few warnings to make the front page of any newspaper but was otherwise ignored. She is now urgently warning that we are on a certain trajectory to a nuclear World War III that will end life on Earth.